Terms of service

  1. By placing an order on our panel, you automatically accept all of the following terms of service, whether you have read them or not.
  2. Мы оставляем за собой право изменять настоящие Условия предоставления услуг без предварительного уведомления. Вы должны прочитать все условия предоставления услуг перед размещением каждого заказа, чтобы быть в курсе всех изменений или любых будущих изменений.
  3. We reserve the right to change these Terms of Service without notice. You should read all of the Terms of Service before you place each order to be aware of any changes or any future changes.
  4. Our rates are subject to change at any time without notice. If we change our rates, the terms and conditions will remain in effect.
  5. We do not guarantee the delivery time of any service. We offer the best estimate of when the order will be delivered. This is an estimate only, and we will not refund orders that are in processing if you think they are taking too long.
  6. We try our best to provide exactly what our resellers expect from us. In this case, we reserve the right to change the type of service if we deem it necessary to fulfill the order.
  7. Disclaimer : hunterlike.com is not responsible for any damages that you or your business may suffer.
  8. Liability : hunterlike.com is in no way responsible for account suspension or deletion of photos taken by Instagram or Twitter or Facebook or YouTube or other social media.
  9. We make no guarantees if social networks write off subscribers, likes or other services provided on the site.

Refund Policy

There are no refunds. There is no way to cancel once the deposit is complete. You must use your balance on orders with hunterlike.com .You agree that once payment is complete, you will not file a dispute or refund against us for any reason.

If you file a dispute or refund against us after making a deposit, we reserve the right to terminate all future orders and deny you access to our site.

Fraudulent activity, such as the use of unauthorized or stolen credit cards, will result in termination of your account. There are no exceptions.

Privacy Policy

This policy covers how we use your personal information. We take your privacy seriously and will take all measures to protect your personal information.

Any personal information we receive will only be used to fulfill your order. We will not sell or distribute your information to anyone else.

    Terms of Service

  1. By placing an order with our panel, you automatically accept all the below-listed terms of service weather you read them or not.
  2. We reserve the right to change these Terms of Service without notice. You are expected to read all terms of service before placing every order to ensure you are up to date with any changes or any future changes.
  3. You will only use the our website in a manner which follows all agreements made with all the social media websites on their individual Terms of Service page.
  4. Our rates are subject to change at any time without notice. The terms stay in effect in the case of rate changes.
  5. We do not guarantee a delivery time for any services. We offer our best estimation for when the order will be delivered. This is only an estimation and we will not refund orders that are processing if you feel they are taking too long.
  6. We are trying hard to deliver exactly what is expected from us by our re-sellers. In this case, we reserve the right to change a service type if we believe it necessary to complete an order.